March madness may be a thing in basketball, but it's also a thing here on The Sidewalk! March was packed full of goodness!

Our theme for March was FORGIVENESS. Deciding that when someone wrongs you, they don't have to pay. This is a big and important idea for everyone, but especially in the communities we serve.
"Put up with one another. Forgive one another if you are holding something against someone. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13 was our memory verse, which perfectly tied into WHY we forgive, because ultimately Christ forgave us.

An exciting thing in March was Teen Career Night with W.W. Gay at Calloway Cove! W.W. Gay brought a "boom truck" and the teens all got to learn different motions to direct the crane operator. They also got to put together a project with PVC pipe and hear what it is like to work in this field. We love career night because it is a way for our teens to explore options that can help them become productive members of society. Our prayer is that our kids will grow up to not only love the Lord with all their hearts, but to strive to honor and glorify Him in how they live and what they do with their lives. We are so thankful for W.W. Gay, and other partners like them, who support this mission.
On the topic of teens, one of our teens, Julie, got to go with FBCJAX on a mission trip over Spring Break to NEW YORK CITY! We are so proud of how bold she is in sharing the love of Christ she has experienced with others. Sponsored by a supporter of our mission, we remain in awe of the people who come along side in helping "make disciples".
March 31st was another big day this month. Batson Cook, another partner we are so grateful for, hosted a BBQ for us at The Covenant School of Jacksonville's campus. We had booths highlighting things we do, raffle prizes, and great food! This is always a great event to share with potential and current partners what all God is doing on The Sidewalk!
How you can pray for us this upcoming month:
Easter is this month, and it is a great time to talk about our Savior. Pray that hearts are opened through the special Easter parties and our sharing about Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice.
For tutoring! We are having a great weekly turnout, but please pray for organization and continued learning opportunities.
For career nights this month! We have them coming up at Desert Winds & Valencia way. Pray that they will go well, teens will be engaged, and that our teens will see the options they have after high school.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for the work that the Lord is doing on The Sidewalk here in Jacksonville, FL!