The summer months were filled with two summer programs for our Sidewalk Kids and Teens! We brought around 40 kids to Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church. With an Olympic Theme and teaching around 2 Corinthians 9:24, the kids had a great time while learning what it means to run toward Jesus.
We also hosted Power Up Clubs at all five of our locations this summer. Power Up is structured like Sidewalk Ministries in that the program goes into the neighborhoods. It was an awesome time with the kids learning about Jesus as the “main ingredient” in our life. The chef-themed week pointed toward the Gospel and how Jesus in our life makes us who we were created to be!
Our Teen ministry also hosted two Teen Nights at Valencia Way. These were successful events with a great turn out of teens. It is exciting to get some traction in our Teen program initiative. We look forward to what the Lord has for us in this area.
Thanks so much to all of you who support Sidewalk Ministries. You are very important to this ministry and it is a privilege to partner with you in the work of God!